How Sellers Can Benefit From Participating in Amazon’s Climate Pledge Program

Not breaking news: Insert-big-brand-name formally pledges to reduce X% of their carbon footprint by insert-favorite-year-between-2030-and-2050.

It certainly sounds nice. But does a “pledge” really mean anything? I can still recite the entire Girl Scout pledge by heart, but I haven’t done anything badge-worthy in years.

Let’s take a look at our favorite green-pledging brand, Amazon. It’s technically been working on the whole sustainable thing for a while, like in 2008 when it launched its frustration-free packaging program, but it officially announced The Climate Pledge in September 2019, in which it commits to being net-zero carbon across the entire business by 2040, 10 years ahead of the Paris Agreement (nice flex, Amazon).

Is it on track? Eh, too early to tell. But there is definitely evidence Amazon has hit the ground running (vs. driving because #sustainability).

  • Putting its money where its mouth is. In 2020 Amazon was the top buyer of green energy, overtaking Google and Facebook. Nothing like a little friendly competition to help cool the planet off.
  • Welcome to the party, natural gas. Amazon just ordered 1,000 vehicles that are capable of running on both renewable and non-renewable gas to integrate into its freight transportation system. If only we could all be so proud to announce our latest gas ventures.
  • If you like it, then you should’ve put a ring badge on it. To encourage sellers to go green, Amazon launched the Climate Pledge Friendly program this past September. In partnership with multiple external certifications, Amazon identifies and prominently labels–more sustainable products. Amazon will in turn incentivize and feature those sellers that are putting in the extra effort.
  • Anything you can do Amazon can do better. As part of the Climate Pledge Friendly program, Amazon created its own sustainability certification “Compact by Design,” which is awarded to products that may not appear different, but have a more efficient design. Another friendly reminder that it’s what’s on the inside that matters, which you’ll know by having a pretty label on the outside. #Balance

Whether or not you’re racking up badges like an overachieving girl scout, there is still a lot you can do to go green, which will ultimately build trust with consumers, save you money, help the planet, and get you noticed by Amazon. Give it a try! It can’t hurt, scout’s honor.

About the Author

Sam Merriweather

Sam Merriweather is a California native, but has been loving East Coast life for over a decade (we don't get it either). After crushing 7 years in the corporate marketing world, she turned a side hustle of improvising, acting, and writing into a full time job. When she's not doing any of those funny things, you can find her meticulously building a charcuterie board, worshipping her air fryer, or cleaning up a containers are hard.

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