What Are the Benefits of Using Targeted Ads?

Back in the day ordering a pizza using a computer was a mind-blowing concept. Today, if you say pizza too many times in a conversation you’ll start getting hit with ads from Mama Celeste herself.

Data mining can seem kinda creepy to people, because of the pending robot invasion or whatever, but it has proven to be an effective method of customizing a personal experience for customers, which is something people seem to be really into. (For example, 91% of consumers said that are more likely to shop with brands that provide offers and recommendations that are relevant to them.)

Although data mining can seem shady (because of the aforementioned robot invasion), we aren’t averse to the results. 80% of people like getting recommendations based on things they’ve bought in the past. It’s not much of a surprise that people would rather see ads for things that apply to their interests; especially in a time when most people still can’t walk around a department store and accidentally spend their Covid relief check on pizza rolls and video games. You know, like an adult.

Personalized recommendations are responsible for 35% of Amazon’s total sales, because you can lead a horse to water, and then show it some other cool water spots so it has options and is more likely to drink. Services like Helium 10’s ADS platform make it extremely easy to get granular and specific with your targeting, and to do some damage to your competition.

It’s a win-win; as long as you don’t step over the ethical line when you go about getting your info and what you do with it. It’s a fine line that can easily turn customers off when handled improperly, and honestly who wants to give we shouldn’t be giving those robots any more ammo.

About the Author

Eric LaMonica

Eric LaMonica is an actor/comedian from Boston with a high school diploma and maturity level to match. You can see him in commercials occasionally OR whenever you want by going to Ericlamonica.com. He’s got some pretty funny stuff on that website there, might wanna give it a look!

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