A great email strategy can 5x your conversions, so it’s a big deal that you can target buyers with a Brand Registry account.

Amazon sellers have long enjoyed the reach of the world’s largest online marketplace almost as much as they’ve lamented the inability to reach customers directly through email campaigns.

About 90% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands that remember their preferences and make custom recommendations. The easiest path to conversion for these buyers is through email marketing using tools like Klaviyo, Drip, and Active Campaign, which may or may not also be the names of STD medications.

But now, Amazon has developed Manage Your Customer Engagement, or MYCE for short, to allow sellers to engage with their customers with fewer (but still some) restrictions.

Previously, it wasn’t possible for Amazon sellers to directly contact consumers with specials, new product offerings, or bundles. But with the grip loosening a bit, you can start mounting your marketing assault more efficiently.

MYCE is a break from Amazon’s classic “talk and you get the whip” strategy that, although a classic, was due for a change.

Any seller that is enrolled in Amazon’s Brand Registry program is eligible to use MYCE, which opens up a lot of previously closed doors for FBA sellers.

There are some pretty significant benefits with MYCE. Sellers can:

  • Market directly to brandloyal customers that follow their page.
  • Feature any new products coming down the pipeline and showcase them directly to their customer base.
  • Build trust with customers and stand out as a super cool brand.

This is all great, so why now? With Shopify giving Amazon a run for its money, desperate times call for reasonable measures.

By allowing brands to engage directly with their customers, Amazon provides the chance of surviving/thriving in a sea of copycats and plain ol’ jerks.

Less restrictions in customer engagement is something that sellers have been asking for for quite some time. MYCE could be the beginning of an even playing field.

About the Author

Eric LaMonica

Eric LaMonica is an actor/comedian from Boston with a high school diploma and maturity level to match. You can see him in commercials occasionally OR whenever you want by going to Ericlamonica.com. He’s got some pretty funny stuff on that website there, might wanna give it a look!

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