See an increase of 77% in unit sales and rid yourself of old inventory on Amazon Outlet

Say you have a product; something like…a self-cleaning pair of underwear. Unfortunately, your sales have slowed, leaving you with excess stock. Damn those tighty-forever-whities!

Excess stock is a pain in the ass and a drain on gas, as the saying I just made up goes. Those storage fees hurt your bottom line.

Enter Amazon Outlet.

Turns out, too much of a good thing isn’t always a bad thing when it comes to inventory.

Sellers using Amazon FBA fulfillment services can finally find a solution to the piles of overstock or slow-moving products, saving on storage fees and optimizing inventory levels.

In May 2019, sellers participated in the beta for the service. 77% saw an increase in unit sales, and 38% DOUBLED sales of their deal ASINs while featured on outlet.

There is also no extra charge for selling on Outlet, and as time goes by, more people are talking about it which means more sales. That’s turning lemons into lemonade for ya!

To be eligible to sell on Outlet, you have to be a professional seller with an overall rating of at least 3.5 stars. (Those stars MATTER, people).

But Amazon gets a little choosy about which products are eligible for Outlet. See all rules for Outlet products here:

Dead inventory can be caused by any multitude of things, but at the end of the day Amazon Outlet might be a great option for FBA sellers to turn old products into new profits.

Speaking of, if anyone is interested in a whole bunch of Beanie Babies my basement is LOUSY with them.

About the Author

Eric LaMonica

Eric LaMonica is an actor/comedian from Boston with a high school diploma and maturity level to match. You can see him in commercials occasionally OR whenever you want by going to He’s got some pretty funny stuff on that website there, might wanna give it a look!

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