An average product sees ~200% bump in average daily sales over the two weeks following a Lightning Deal. Is running a deal worth it for your business?

What’s the deal with Amazon Deals?

Amazon Deals are time-bound promotional offers that Amazon features on its deals page. There are Deals of the Day, Lightning Deals, which last about 4-12 hours (anything longer and you should probably call your doctor), and 7-Day Deals, which are featured for…wait for it…7 days.

Deals are a great way to boost sales, unload inventory, and create brand awareness – plus, everyone loves a good bargain: Today’s Deals is one of Amazon’s most visited pages, with millions of views a day.

Sounds cool, but don’t forget there’s no such thing as a free lunch. With associated fees and less profit, is it even worth your time to apply?

Run through this checklist and see if you are worthy:

  1. First things first, are you eligible? You are if you’re a Professional Seller with at least five Seller Feedback Ratings per month and an overall rating of at least 3.5 stars.
  2. As they ask on The Bachelor, are you here for the right reasons? What’s your goal with running a deal? Are you trying to liquidate stock? Get your brand out there? Whatever your goal is, price and advertise accordingly.
  3. Numbers don’t lie, so what do yours say? Take a few minutes to actually calculate if this makes sense for you.
    • Luckily Jungle Scout loves math. They found that an average product sees ~200% bump in average daily sales over the two weeks following a Lightning Deal. With that input, you can follow along with the rest of their number crunching to see where you’d net out.

Cons? Deals haven’t always had a perfect rep, like when bad apples manipulate an item’s original price to give the impression of a steep discount. Don’t cheat the system, because Amazon and consumers alike will punish you.

And that’s the deal. So what’s your deal, and what are you gonna do about it?

About the Author

Sam Merriweather

Sam Merriweather is a California native, but has been loving East Coast life for over a decade (we don't get it either). After crushing 7 years in the corporate marketing world, she turned a side hustle of improvising, acting, and writing into a full time job. When she's not doing any of those funny things, you can find her meticulously building a charcuterie board, worshipping her air fryer, or cleaning up a containers are hard.

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